7 Countries, 4 Continents, 1 Year | Ep. 30

Join me on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to visit all Seven New Wonders of the World within a year. From the Great Wall of China to Machu Picchu, from Petra to the Taj Mahal, from Chichen Itza to the Colosseum, and from Christ the Redeemer to the Great Pyramid of Giza, I'll take you on a journey of discovery, beauty, and cultural exchange.

Hangout with us as I plan my itinerary to maximize my time at each wonder, and document my journey through photos and videos. To make the journey possible, I'm prepared to invest time and money, but can I visit 7 countries in one year while working a full time job?

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel to stay tuned for the latest episodes and updates. Let's make this travel goal a reality together!


Self Discovery Journey | 2023 Travel Bucket List | Ep. 31


Our life post Covid: The Great Resignation & Remote Work | Ep. 29